I first encountered the term last year, in an intriguing interview with a CEO named Victor Ho...
Fivestars Featured in the News
Featured on Forbes: Customer Loyalty In Today’s Modern Retail World
“Customer loyalty isn’t what it used to be. In fact, research company Access Development...
Featured on Business Insider: Smart shopping startup Fivestars turned down VC money and almost died — now it’s worth hundreds of millions
“Victor Ho and his co-founder Matt Doka knew there was no money in the bank. The then-40...
Featured in TechCrunch: Fivestars Gets $50M To Help Small Retailers Run Loyalty Programs Like Their Bigger Rivals
“Fivestars, a five year-old startup that has built a platform and app to run loyalty programs...
Featured in VentureBeat: Fivestars raises $50 million to help small businesses build consumer loyalty
“Engaging customers with rewards and special offers is smart business. Instead of spending a...